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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

BlogHoster v2.10 & v2.50 & v2.70 All Nulled

BlogHoster v2.10 & v2.50 & v2.70 All Nulled

Description :

BlogHoster is a PHP-based software product which allows you to provide a blog hosting service on your website. The blog hosting that you give your users with BlogHoster is comparable to popular third-party blog hosting services like Blogger, Livejournal, and Typepad. As the admin of your blog hosting service, you can control how users will signup, write in their blogs, and interact with each other. The entire visual frontend of the software is generic, so you can easily give it your website's look and feel. You can even have ads automatically inserted on your users' weblogs. BlogHoster also includes a variety of social-networking features, including interactive profiles, photo albums, friendships, blog categories, and more.

Features Overview

BlogHoster is the first true multi-user blog hosting platform. In developing the product, we focused on creating a system that would host numerous blogs while connecting their authors with profiles, friendships, and other social networking features. This capacity for "viral growth" is what makes BlogHoster stand far above other blog hosting platforms.


Unencoded Source - BlogHoster's source code is completely unencoded. This means that you, the administrator, have the ability to modify every aspect of your system. Many BlogHoster administrators have customized their installation to match the unique themes of their websites.
Easy Website Integration - Unlike other blog hosting systems, BlogHoster is exceptionally easy to integrate into your existing website design. With the BlogHoster admin panel, you can easily insert an HTML header and footer to wrap around the BlogHoster content. You can also specify a different HTML header and footer for the internal BlogHoster pages (including the users' blog manager). The CSS styles are also included in the HTML template, so changing the look and feel of your blog hosting service is simple!
Example Portal Pages - Several example portal pages are included with BlogHoster to help you build your own blog community from the ground up.
Custom Profile Fields - As the admin, you can create custom profile fields that match the theme of your blog network. For example, if you are running a dating-themed service and want users to describe themselves, you can create fields such as height, weight, hair color, etc.

Interactivity & Social Networking
Friendships - Users can list each other as friends, and display their friend lists on their profiles. Users can also give their friends special privileges, like access to their private blogs.
Private Messages - Users can send each other private messages, which they can read from their message inbox.
Friends Page - Users blogs may include a "friends' recent entries" page, which displays the recent blog entries posted by that user's friends.
Browse Users - Users can use the "browse" page to browse all the users on your blog network. This can be filtered by information such as location, age, gender, interest, etc.
Interest Keywords - If you wish, you can have keywords on your users' profile pages linked to browse results filtered by those keywords.
Search Users - Users can search for other users based on their profile information. You, the admin, have control over which profile fields users can search with.
Extendibility - BlogHoster's database structure is simple and mostly self-explainatory, so with some basic PHP knowledge you can create scripts that display the most recent user signups, entries, comments, etc., and display them on other parts of your website.
Mailing Lists - If enabled, users can create mailing lists for their blogs. This is a list of email addresses that are notified each time a new entry is posted.
Avatars - Users can upload small photos of themselves, which appear on the blog, profile, and next to their username in search/browse results.

Media Features

Photo Albums - If enabled, each user can upload photos to their own photo album, which is linked from their blogs and their profiles. Photos can be given titles and descriptions, and thumbnails are automatically generated for easy browsing.
Podcasts - If enabled, users can upload MP3 or other audio files to a special folder in their file manager. They can easily podcast these files by clicking a single link and writing a blog entry.
Other Files - If enabled, users can create other file folders to upload and store files with other formats. You, the admin, can decide what formats are allowed and how much space your users will get.

Profitable Features

Advertisement Insertion - As the admin, you can automatically insert any HTML, Flash, or Javascript at the top or bottom of your users' blogs. This is an excellent way to generate advertising revenue from your traffic.
PayPal Integration - PayPal is integrated with BlogHoster so that you can charge users for their accounts. It is possible to charge them a single fee for signing up, or recurring fees in weekly, monthly, or yearly periods with all the currencies accepted by PayPal.
User Groups - You can create user groups to limit the features your users get. For example, your first user group may be called "Free Accounts" and give users the ability to have only 1 blog, 2MB of space for photos, and 10 blog templates. Your second user group may be called "Paid Accounts" and give users the ability to have 5 blogs, 10MB of space, 25 blog templates, and other additional features. Your users can then upgrade from their free accounts to a paid account automatically using the integrated PayPal payment gateway. You can create an unlimited number of user groups.

Blog Features

Subdomain URLs - Your users' URLs (the URL addresses to their blog, album, profile, archives, etc.) can be shortened into subdomains (i.e. http://blogname.yourdomain.com) or subdirectories (i.e. http://www.domain.com/blogname).
WYSIWYG Composer - When writing entries, your users can take advantage of the easy-to-use WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) entry composer. This allows users to add styles, fonts, colors, and images to their entries with no knowledge of HTML. Users can upload images and insert them in the entry they are working on with ease. Advanced users can click the HTML checkbox and view their entry's HTML source.
Mobile Posts (Moblogging) - Users can post new entries, including photos, from their mobile phones or with emails.
Podcasts - Users can attach a Podcast URL to their entries.
Trackbacks - Users can attach a Trackback URL to their entries.
Comments - Users can choose whether or not they want to allow comments on their entries, and if they do want comments, who should be able to post them.
Templates - If enabled, users can choose from any of the blog templates you provide them. Over 25 example templates are included with BlogHoster, and you can add your own.
Template Editing - If enabled, users can edit their blog template's HTML code to personalize their blogs.
Calendars - Your users' blogs can display calendars, illustrating when they have posted entries.
Archives - Each blog has an archive page that lists the dates of all the entries that belong to the blog.
Permanant Links - Each entry has a permanant link, which is important for bookmarking and search engine indexing.
RSS Feeds - If enabled, each blog can have its own RSS feed for easy syndication.
Instant Publishing - When users post entries or comments, they appear instantly on their blogs.
Preview Entry - Users can preview their entries or comments before posting.
Customizable Date/Time - Users can customize the date and time of their entries.
Draft Entries - Users can post entries as drafts and publish them at a later time.

Multi-user, Multi-blog

Multi-user - BlogHoster is a multi-user blog hosting platform. This means that multiple users can signup to your service and create their own blogs. As the admin, you can choose how many blogs each user is allowed to create (between 1 and 99).
Multi-author - When a user creates a blog, he/she is the "owner" of that blog. If you have enabled the multi-author feature, blog owners can invite other users to be co-authors on their blogs. Owners can add co-authors with the ability to modify the template, change the blog settings, etc., as well as basic co-authors who can only post entries.

Misc. Features

Timezones - Users can select their own timezone, and all dates across the system will reflect it.
Multi-Language - You can easily translate the default language pack or add more than one, so your users can choose their own language.
Support Suite - Several support pages are included, such as a template editing guide, a customziable FAQ page, and a contact form.

Admin Features

User Manager - As the admin, you can view a list of your users (sorted by various criteria) or search for specific users. This helps you moderate your blog hosting service more effeciently, allowing you to view the statistics of individual users and their activity.
Access Log - As the admin, you can view an access log which includs all of the login attempts (both successful and failed) that are made on your system. This can help you identify abusive users or intrusion attempts.
One-click Backup - Backing up your BlogHoster database is easy! Simply click the backup button provided in the admin panel, and download the database backup to your computer's hard drive.
FAQ Support - BlogHoster allows you to provide an FAQ support section to your users. As the admin, you can easily customize the questions and answers of this FAQ page.
New Signup Notifications - As the admin, you can choose to be notified by email every time a user signs up.
Email Address Verification - As the admin, you can choose to force users to verify their email address when they signup.
Email Address List - As the admin, you can generate a list of all your users' email addresses for making announcements.
Instant User Login - As the admin, you can instantly (with one click) login to your blog hosting service as any of your users.
Email All Users - As the admin, you can broadcast an email to all of your users.
Welcome Emails - As the admin, you can specify an email message that will automatically be sent to users when the sign up.
Popularity/Activity Stats - As the admin, you can view various statistics regarding the most popular and active users on your blog hosting service.
Banning, Word Filters, Anti-Spam - As the admin, you can ban users by username, IP address, or keywords. You can also specify what words you want to be censored from entries and comments. You can also enable a dynamically generated image which contains a numerical code that users must type into a field before signing up or posting comments.
Email Domain Limitation - As the admin, you can set BlogHoster to only allow new users with email addresses from a single domain. This is particularly useful for internal networks or private blog networks of any kind.

Customer Community

The BlogHoster customer community includes a number of individuals that actively develop and share modifications, including feature additions and integrations with various third party applications. You won't find this level of dedication for other blog hosting platforms.



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